Sunday, July 19, 2009


I've been down with a hip flexor injury for at least a month. During the first 2 weeks of injury, I ignored the pains and continued to lift through it. Being desperate to hit 110 x 5 x 8reps (and managing to do so), I suffered the consequences of having an injury to my hip flexors (and abductors too, as I've come to learn about today).

To aid recovery, I've been visiting the physiotherapist for ultrasound therapy. It helps to improve healing and hastens the recovery process.

If you're visiting this blog/journal and you're a heavy lifter, my advice to you is that deloading and time off may actually help you lift better. This is common wisdom that is thrown around a lot in message boards and among weightlifters, but seldom heeded by gung-ho ectomorphs. You can't keep pushing the limit because you are not a machine. Deloading does more benefit to you than you can ever imagine. Once every 6 weeks is a good time to rest.

Such an injury would've been avoided if I deloaded accordingly. It's such a pity that I didn't. Clearly there is no more 110 x 5 x 8. I don't even know if I'm able to do 110 for 5. Nonetheless, I'm positive about recovery and will be back squatting heavy soon. Learn from my mistakes, I hope no one I know would have the misfortune of an injury.
