Thursday, January 15, 2009

Workout day typical diet.

Breakfast - can of red alaskan salmon, 1 Tbsp lite mayo, 3 slices of bread, green tea.

Lunch (1.00pm) - Brown rice (75g), 200g chicken breast, 2 whole fried eggs.

Pre-workout (1.30pm) - Whey (29g), Milk Semi-Skimmed 2%Fat (350mL)

Post-workout (3.45pm) - Whey (29g), Dextrose (30g), Creatine (5g), Milk Semi-Skimmed 2%Fat (350mL)

Tea - can of red alaskan salmon, 1 Tbsp lite mayo, 3 slices of bread

Dinner - 200g chicken breast, 2 whole fried eggs, salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing.

Pre-bed shake - Whey (29g), Milk Semi-Skimmed 2%Fat (350mL)

Total kCal for today: 3,273 kCal

Macros Protein/Fat/Carbs : 319g / 123.8g / 201.7g
Ratio of Protein/Fat/Carbs : 2.58 : 1 : 1.63


Comments: Will start changing whole fried eggs into boiled/steam eggs. Also, just bought a steamer for 10 quid so I will start using the steamer to cook my chicken breasts instead of the frying pan. Hence, my frying pan will be exclusively for my steaks.

As an overall, the diet looks to be okay but I feel that I need to make it more lean which is why I've decided to steam instead of fry. Your comments would be appreciated.