Monday, August 18, 2008

Malaysia: Chest workout log.

I hate starting the week with chests. I'm always not in top form on Mondays. Nailed the sets like they were made of feather anyway. I'm still waiting for your first log post, Gavin.

Today's log:

Bodyweight x 10
Bodyweight x 10
Bodyweight x 9

Smith Machine Bench Press (w/o bar):
40kg x 15
50kg x 12
60kg x 8
70kg x 6

Inclined Dumbbell Press (per hand):
22.5kg x 8 x 2sets
25kg x 6

Dumbbell Flies (per hand):
10kg x 15
12.5kg x 12
15kg x 8

Dumbbell Pullovers:
25kg x 10 x 3sets