Monday, October 27, 2008

Madcow 5x5 W4D1, W4D2, W4D3


All weights in kg, each weight group done for 5 repetitions unless stated otherwise

Squat 47.5 / 60 / 72.5 / 85 / 97.5
Bench 37.5 / 47.5 / 57.5 / 67.5 / 77.5
Row 32.5 / 42.5 / 52.5 / 62.5 / 72.5

2x 8 weighted hyperextensions @ 15kg + bodyweight
4x 5 weighted situps @ 12kg + bodyweight


Squat 47.5 / 60 / 72.5 / 72.5
Press 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60
Deadlift 65 / 77.5 / 90 / 102.5

3 sets of situps


47.5 / 60 / 72.5 /85
100 x 3
72.5 x 8

37.5 / 47.5 / 57.5 / 67.5
80 x 3
57.5 x 8

32.5 / 42.5 / 52.5 / 62.5
75 x 3
52.5 x 8

3x 8 weighted dips @ 10kg + bodyweight
3x 8 ez-bar bicep curls @ 30kg w/o bar
3x 8 skullcrushers @ 22.5kg w/o bar

Augustine's sick again this week (27th October). He has gonorrhea.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Squats 67.5 X 8 / 67.5 X 8
Rows 40 X 8/ 40 X 8
Deadlifts 70 X 10
EZ 20 X 10 (Unfortunately, weight of EZ bar counted)
Pull-downs 40 X 10 / 40 X 10

I'm apparently suffering from weightlifters' headache, characterized as a pain in the back of the head which feels like built up pressure. Had to abort my workout on Tuesday evening after my 1st set of squats due to the pain. Tried again on Wednesday afternoon, felt much better. Took some ibuprofen before the workout and also did a longer warm up which included a 7 minute jog. Hope it stays away.


Bench 42.5 X 8 / 42.5 X 8
Military 30 X 8 / 30 X 8
Incline Fly 10 X 10 / 10 X 10
Skull Crusher 17.5 X 10 / 17.5 X 10
Pull-down 35 X 10 / 35 X 10
Sit-up 10 X 5 / 10 X 5 /10 X 5

Monday, October 20, 2008

Madcow 5x5 W3D1, W3D2, W3D3


Weights in kg. Each weight group done for 5 repetitions.

Squat 45 / 57.5 / 70 / 82.5 / 95
Bench 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75
Rows 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70

2 x 8 weighted hypers @ 15kg
4 x 5 situps @ 12kg


All weights in kg. Each weight group done for 5 repetitions

Squat 45 / 57.5 / 70 / 70
Press 35 /42.5 / 50 /57.5
Deadlift 62.5 / 75 / 87.5 /100

3x situps @ bodyweight


All weights in kg. Each weight group done for 5 repetitions unless stated.

45 / 57.5 / 70 / 82.5
97.5 x 3
70 x 8

35 / 45 / 55 / 65
77.5 x 3
55 x 8

30 / 40 / 50 / 60
72.5 x 3
50 x 8

3x8 weighted dips @ 7.5kg + bodyweight
3x8 EZ bar bicep curls @ 27.5kg excld. bar
3x8 skullcrushers @ 22.5kg excld. bar

Augustine was absent throughout the week due to Fresher's Flu. Apologies for late posting.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Squats 67.5 / 67.5
Rows 40 / 40 (Stall to improve form)
Deadlifts 70
EZ Curls 20
Lat Pull-Downs 35 / 35
Sit-Ups Completed with 10kg

Performed better than expected. Will be stalling rows and deadlifts, some serious work needed on the form. I swear I nearly popped a vessel in my head towards the end of the 10-rep set of deadlifts.


First session back on Monday night was incredibly disappointing.

Bench 42.5 / 42.5
Military 30 / 30
Incline Flies 10 / 10
Skull Crushers 15 / 15
Lat Pull-Downs 35/ 35
Sit-Ups Completed

I haven't listed down the rep-count as the sets were succesfully completed. Also, I'm not listing the warm-up sets (would be a waste of space as my warm-up sets simply build up to the max weight, no pyramid-ing and stuff). What disappoints me the most is how these weights are pale in comparison to what I used to be able to lift. However, I'm trying not to be caught up in the race for weights. We realised the importance of form earlier this year, hence I'm ensuring it's my priority.

Hitting the gym today for Workout B, it's gonna be hell I reckon.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What the fuck am I on?

Animal Pak Multivitamins
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey
Dymatize Micronized Creatine

Madcow 5x5 W2D2, D3 and Augustine's Rippetoe

Madcow 5x5 W2D2 (weights are in kg, each weight group for 5 repetitions)

Squat 42.5 / 55 / 67.5 / 67.5
Press 32.5 / 40 / 47.5 /55
Deadlift 60 / 72.5 /85 / 97.5

Madcow 5x5 W2D3 (all weights in kg)

5 reps: 42.5 / 55 / 67.5 / 80
3 reps: 95
8 reps: 67.5

5 reps: 32.5 / 42.5 / 52.5 / 62.5
3 reps: 75
8 reps: 52.5

5 reps: 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 /60
3 reps: 70
8 reps: 52.5

3 sets weighted dips x 8 reps @ bodyweight + 5kg
3 sets EZ bar bicep curls x 8 reps @ 25kg (weight without bar)
3 sets skullcrushers @ 20kg (weight without bar)

Augustine's log

Week 2 Day 1

Squat 72.5
Press 42.5x3 / 40x5 / 37.5x4
Row 37.5

Week 2 Day 2

Squat 75
Bench 50x5 / 47.5x0 / 45x5
Deadlift 70

Week 2 Day 3

Squat 80
Press 37.5
Row 40

We decided to go to a lighter press that Augustine could complete rather than to try the 40 and fail it at the end of the week. Better to be able to lift than to try and fail. Benches failed a set because of a shoulder pain. Rows, deads, squats are going up well. Hopefully bench and press will follow suit.

On the other hand, my workouts are easy peasy. I've been going at it quick with minimal rest between sets. However, I am trying to teach myself to catch a breather before taking the set to avoid disappointment.

So far so good.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The No Fancy Name Workout

Back to the gym after a summer long hiatus which proved to be terribly unproductive. I've lost 10 pounds in weight and many more have been shaven off my lifting capabilities. I'll be continuing the Unnamed Workout routine that xeem and I were on during the exam period. Slight modifications are as follows:

Workout A
Bench Presses 2X8
Military Presses 2X8
Incline Dumbbell Flies 2X10
Skull Crushers 2X10
Pull-Downs 2X10
Roman Sit-Ups 3X5 (5 sec hold)

Workout B
Squats 2X8
Pendlay Rows 2X8
Deadlifts 1X10
EZ Bar Curls 1X10
Pull-Downs 2X10
Roman Sit-Ups 3X5 (5 sec hold)

I'll be tracking my progress as of next week, it's mainly getting used to working out regularly again for me this week. I won't be expecting to lift heavy weights as the workout seems more High Volume than High Intensity. Any comments?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Madcow 5x5 W2D1

My squatting weight was too much today. I nailed it anyway, but it should've been 5kgs lighter.

Weights in kg. All weights are done for 5 repetitions.

Squats: 42.5 / 55 / 67.5 / 80 / 92.5 (did 97.5 by accident)
Bench: 32.5 / 42.5 /52.5 / 62.5 / 72.5
Rows 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 /60 / 67.5

2sets weighted hyperextensions @ bodyweight + 15kg x 5rep
4sets weighted NS situps @ bodyweight + 10kg x 5 rep

1st day Rippetoe - official start

0830: 1 scoop whey + 2 flaxseed oil softgels
1200: curry beef, scrambled eggs, long beans (cafe's food)
1530: some fruits
1630: workout
1800: 2 scoops whey  
1930: small portion of rice, curry deer meat
2300: 2 steamed eggs, tuna, 2 teaspoon peanut butter
2330: 2 flaxseed oil softgels

Workout A: 
Squat: 45/55/65/80/95/115/115/115
Deadlift: 45/55/65/85/115/135
Bench Press: 35/57/68/80/85/85/85

remarks: diet is kinda screwed up. i forgot to eat something as preworkout, so i just grabbed some fruits and headed to gym straight away.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Friday 10/3/08 Day 3

Squats: 70 kg
Bench: 50 kg 5/5/3 :(
Deadlift: 62.5 kg

Wednesday 10/1/08

Squat: 65 kg
Press: 40 kg
Row: 35 kg

Madcow 5x5 W1D3

Sorry this was a bit late.

Weights in kg.

45 / 57.5 / 67.5 / 80 x 5 reps
92.5 x 3 reps
67.5 x 8 reps

35 / 42.5 / 52.5 / 60 x 5 reps
72.5 x 3 reps
52.5 x 8 reps

32.5 / 40 / 50 / 57.5 x 5 reps
67.5 x 3 reps
50 x 8 reps

3 sets of bodyweight dips x 8
3 sets of EZ-Bar bicep curls (weights w/o bar) 15/20/20 x 8
3 sets of skullcrushers (weights w/o bar) 15/20/20 x 8

Friday, October 3, 2008

Rippetoe -pilot-

Hi folks,

I'm just starting Rippetoe, but I'm having problems with my squat form, thus I'm going to reset my Rippetoe on next week, in a proper power rack. I'm still in my 1 week study break, been staying in my friend's place and yea, been slacking behind a lot.. Today's workout is just because i don't spend my day doing nothing for the whole week.

Workout A:
Squat: 20kg/30kg/40kg/50kg/55kg/60kg/60kg/60kg
Bench Press:20kg/25kg/30kg/35kg/40kg/40kg/40kg
Dead Lift:18kg/28kg/38kg/48kg/58kg/68kg

i was using smith machine for squat (no power rack here), couldn't really perform as the ROM is somewhat fixed. i struggled for the last few reps for squat and bench press, my friend spotted me though.

as per Xeem suggested, I'll post up my diet and workout on next week onwards, yea, a proper one. until then, lift hard peeps.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Madcow 5x5 W1D2

Week 1 Day 2

Weights are in kg. Each weight group done for 5 repetitions.

Squats 45/ 57.5 / 67.5 / 67.5
Military Press 32.5 / 40 / 45 /52.5
Deadlifts 60 / 72.5 / 82.5 / 95