0830: 1 scoop whey + 2 flaxseed oil softgels
1200: curry beef, scrambled eggs, long beans (cafe's food)
1530: some fruits
1630: workout
1800: 2 scoops whey
1930: small portion of rice, curry deer meat
2300: 2 steamed eggs, tuna, 2 teaspoon peanut butter
2330: 2 flaxseed oil softgels
Workout A:
Squat: 45/55/65/80/95/115/115/115
Deadlift: 45/55/65/85/115/135
Bench Press: 35/57/68/80/85/85/85
remarks: diet is kinda screwed up. i forgot to eat something as preworkout, so i just grabbed some fruits and headed to gym straight away.
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