Thursday, October 23, 2008


Squats 67.5 X 8 / 67.5 X 8
Rows 40 X 8/ 40 X 8
Deadlifts 70 X 10
EZ 20 X 10 (Unfortunately, weight of EZ bar counted)
Pull-downs 40 X 10 / 40 X 10

I'm apparently suffering from weightlifters' headache, characterized as a pain in the back of the head which feels like built up pressure. Had to abort my workout on Tuesday evening after my 1st set of squats due to the pain. Tried again on Wednesday afternoon, felt much better. Took some ibuprofen before the workout and also did a longer warm up which included a 7 minute jog. Hope it stays away.


xeem said...

the profen doesn't affect your workout?