Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Malaysia: Chest/Triceps workout log.

Today was Chest/Triceps split. Trainer wasn't around for the first two workouts so I had to handle myself. My smith machine bench press was underestimated, so I nailed all the sets easy. I despise the smith machine, but the regular bench required fixing so I couldn't bench there.

My trainer and I got to talking about stuff which was long overdue. Great guy. Anyway, today's log:

Bodyweight x 10 x 3sets

Smith Machine Bench Press (weights w/o bar):
40kg x 15
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
65kg x 6

Dumbbell Flies (per hand):
10kg x 20
12.5kg x 12
15kg x 8
17.5kg x 5

Dumbbell Pullovers:
25kg x 10 x 4sets

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension:
22.5kg x 10 x 2sets
25kg x 6
25kg x 9

Triceps Kickbacks (per hand):
10kg x 10
12.5kg x 8 x 2sets