Friday, October 10, 2008

The No Fancy Name Workout

Back to the gym after a summer long hiatus which proved to be terribly unproductive. I've lost 10 pounds in weight and many more have been shaven off my lifting capabilities. I'll be continuing the Unnamed Workout routine that xeem and I were on during the exam period. Slight modifications are as follows:

Workout A
Bench Presses 2X8
Military Presses 2X8
Incline Dumbbell Flies 2X10
Skull Crushers 2X10
Pull-Downs 2X10
Roman Sit-Ups 3X5 (5 sec hold)

Workout B
Squats 2X8
Pendlay Rows 2X8
Deadlifts 1X10
EZ Bar Curls 1X10
Pull-Downs 2X10
Roman Sit-Ups 3X5 (5 sec hold)

I'll be tracking my progress as of next week, it's mainly getting used to working out regularly again for me this week. I won't be expecting to lift heavy weights as the workout seems more High Volume than High Intensity. Any comments?


xeem said...

I believe to do this workout properly you have to max out, and I mean seriously max out each workout as you do it.

Because you have so much time to recover (1 wk per workout), you have to smash the weight as you do it, and it has to be as heavy as can be.

Good luck Gavs.