Wednesday, October 15, 2008


First session back on Monday night was incredibly disappointing.

Bench 42.5 / 42.5
Military 30 / 30
Incline Flies 10 / 10
Skull Crushers 15 / 15
Lat Pull-Downs 35/ 35
Sit-Ups Completed

I haven't listed down the rep-count as the sets were succesfully completed. Also, I'm not listing the warm-up sets (would be a waste of space as my warm-up sets simply build up to the max weight, no pyramid-ing and stuff). What disappoints me the most is how these weights are pale in comparison to what I used to be able to lift. However, I'm trying not to be caught up in the race for weights. We realised the importance of form earlier this year, hence I'm ensuring it's my priority.

Hitting the gym today for Workout B, it's gonna be hell I reckon.